Monday, April 25, 2011

All in a Walk

While you sleep, I'm wide awake. I'm slowly discovering a world I never noticed or cared to pay attention to. It's 2am and once again I struggle to find my long lost friend, sleep. My routine begins, walk LuLu, watch TV, play with my iPhone etc. This early morning is different however, as I walked LuLu I noticed a neighbor down my block sitting on his front porch. He's a seventy something year old Cuban man. Quiet, respectful, the kind of person who keeps to himself. He was crying, turns out his wife passed away of cancer two days ago. I'm embarrassed that this man is my neighbor and I didn't know this. It kills me to know that he's been suffering in silence. I thought to myself,"poor guy!" when in reality the poor guy was me for never striking a conversation with him. I was too content with the simple,"Hola vecino! Todo bien?" and moving on while I walked LuLu. This early morning while sleep avoided my doorstep, friendship found it's way in. I spoke to my neighbor for nearly an hour, I think Don Raul and I will become good friends and better neighbors.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Family, Food and Fun

Tonight I took my family out to dinner, not at a restaurant as usual but to the Food Trucks. End result: we laughed, danced, and ate to our bursting point. I love food, as evident by my "Food, Delicious Food" album on facebook, but there is just something special about the Food Trucks. Perhaps it's the open air, maybe the DJ, or even all the people sitting at the benches eating next to total strangers

and out of the blue a conversation begins. On second thought I think it's all of the above. Food brings us all together, food bridges culture and allows us to experiment what is generally divided by distance. The Miami Food Truck movement offers a bit of everything for everyone. For more information you can follow the trucks on twitter or facebook. You can also check out this blog: by my good friend, Jose Torres.
Hopefully I will see some of you at the next meet up.